flo⇢2 [fləʊ tuː] β

Domain for devices behind cgnat + hides your real IP

A quick solution for developers, hobbyists, beginners, students, teachers and everyone else.

Register your domain on flo2 to connect to devices you can't connect to using a static IP or even dynamic DNS services.

Please enter a valid domain name. Only letters and numbers are allowed. Length from 5 to 21 characters.
{{domain_err||' '}}
By registering a domain on flo2 you agree to:
  • - do not use flo2 for illegal activities;
  • - do not use flo2 for production or high load apps;
  • - do not use flo2 to violate the rights of third party;
  • - not to attempt to hack flo2;
  • - flo2 collects some of your IP address, device, session data;
  • - flo2 forwards the contents of the pages you specify to the domain of your choice;
  • - do not share high sensitive data;
  • - do not share your website on huge traffic sources;
  • - use for non-critical purposes;
  • - you use the service without warranties at your own risk;
  • - send bugs and vulnerabilities to us by email or chat.
A secret key and instructions to run the service will be sent to your e-mail.
{{email_err||' '}}

✌️ Beta features

Already implemented features that can be used in beta

  • ✔️ Free for personal use
  • ✔️ HTTP protocol (:80 port)
  • ✔️ GET and POST
  • ✔️ localhost and 192.168.*.*
  • ✔️ Traffic over SSL
  • ✔️ Basic authentication
  • ✔️ For low-traffic apps
  • ✔️ DDoS protection by CloudFlare

✏️ TODO features

Some other things that may come up in the future.

  • ❌ Files Upload
  • ❌ Video streaming
  • ❌ HTTPS
  • ❌ WebSockets
  • ❌ SSH protocol
  • ❌ FTP(S) protocol
  • ❌ MYSQL/REDIS protocol
  • ❌ Anything with TCP/UDP
  • ❌ Docker image

🎉 Use cases

Possible uses, but don't limit yourself to them.

  • ⟶ Any web page in laptop
  • ⟶ Any smart things in local network
  • ⟶ Devices connected via LTE / 4G / 3G / 2G / EDGE / GPRS
  • ⟶ Local network dump1090 ADS-B tracker
  • ⟶ Raspberry Pi (Pico+) devices with custom web pages
  • ⟶ Home based esp32 cam or any mjpeg camera
  • ⟶ Office, university or school pages available from home

💬 Join the telegram chat to discuss cases, features and bugs together.